The Simpsons – Season 35 Episode 8 “Ae Bonny Romance” Recap & Review

Ae Bonny Romance

Bart’s classmates apply nicotine patches and turn into strong monstrous goons. Principal Skinner throws Bart in detention as a punishment. Meanwhile, Marge urges Homer to join her for a destination wedding in Poconos. She is taking it as an opportunity to reinvigorate their love.

In detention, Bart and Groundskeeper Willie buddy up. However, Willie is kidnapped and he video calls Bart to ask for help. Bart is extremely upset.

Homer and Marge call off their plan to attend the destination wedding in order to help Bart find Willie. They find Willie in Edinburgh, but as it turns out, Willie isn’t kidnapped. In fact he is getting married. Marge is happy because her dream of attending a destination wedding has come true.

Bart is worried he has lost his friend because he is about to tie the knot. He has a little argument with Willie and they stop talking.

Bart finds out Willie’s wife-to-be, Maisie doesn’t love him. Instead, she is a part of a plan to exploit Willie. The boy is locked in a room by the bride’s family members.

During the wedding ceremony, Marge realizes Homer is the perfect man for her even if it doesn’t seem so. The two hug each other with nothing on their mind but love.

Bart emerges just in time to reveal the truth stopping the wedding. Maisie tells Willie that she has no information about her family’s plot. In the end, she proves her love for Willie. Everyone in attendance is glad to see the two in love and together.

The Episode Review

A step up from previous episodes, the latest episode of The Simpsons keeps you hooked until the end. You won’t find lots of funny dialogue but the narrative still manages to be engaging. While the main plot is fresh and interesting, the subplot seems totally pointless.

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