Has Lucky Hank been renewed for Season 2? Here’s what we know:

Renewed Or Cancelled?

Lucky Hank is an exciting reunion between Bob Odenkirk and AMC. Their previous “affair” was the mighty Better Call Saul, which ended with an outstanding final season last year. This partnership was touted for big things again and this dark, lighthearted comedy with a satirical twist certainly didn’t disappoint.

Season 1 of Lucky Hank has just finished airing and the ambiguous ending leaves a lot of answers that need questions.

We have tried our best to do that right here but this piece is about another season for the AMC show. After finishing the whole series, you may be wondering if this has been renewed or cancelled. Here’s what we know:

What is Lucky Hank Season 1 about?

Lucky Hank centres on the midlife crisis of Professor Hank Deveraux. He is married to Lily and they have a daughter, Julie, who lives in the same, fictional town of Railton. Hank is the English chair at University but has lived most of his life in the shadow of his illustrious father, William Henry Deveraux, a noted academic at Columbia University. Hank has unresolved issues from his past as Henry abandoned Laurel, Hank’s mother, and him at an early age.

Those childhood issues have resurfaced of late and drained the creative spark that Hank once had. He is continually depressed and projects his lack of interest in things he previously cared about onto other people, waiting for the chance to get closure when Henry informs him he is coming back to live with Laurel. But we are in for a twist here that leaves Hank with no possibility of ever getting closure.

Has Lucky Hank been renewed for season 2?

Unfortunately for fans, AMC has cancelled Lucky Hank after one season.

Generally, AMC and other broadcast networks gauge numerous metrics before renewing a show, including how many people initially watch it and then looking at the drop-off rate. The completion rate is one of the most important metrics though, as recently revealed with the shock cancellation of Netflix shows like 1899 and Apple TV’s Shantaram.

While Lucky Hank had a pretty good reaction from critics and audiences alike, with many enjoying the slice-of-life tone of storytelling and seeing Odenkirk make yet another TV character iconic, this wasn’t enough to save the show.

AMC gave a statement, according to Variety, saying, “We’re proud of ‘Lucky Hank’ and thankful for the work of everyone who brought this unique, playful and deeply human show to viewers, from the talented creative team to our partners at Sony and, of course, Bob, Mireille and the entire cast and crew. Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with a second season, but we are glad these eight episodes exist on AMC+ and will continue to find new fans – or be seen again by viewers who come back to spend more time with Hank, Lily and the entertaining cast of characters at Railton College.”

What we know about season 2 so far:

The only way Lucky Hank could go forward with a second season is if another service besides AMC picked it up.

If the cancellation is reversed (though the chances are slim), expect important questions like what happens to Hank and Lily’s marriage to be answered. Hank had been giving Lily “false starts” throughout the series. And his inability led her to determinedly decide she would divorce him.

But Hank throws a curveball at her by coming to NY and quitting his job; something he has talked about for years. It depends on how Hank settles in – or has it already been decided?

As mentioned above, Lucky Hank has been cancelled but we’ll be sure to update this page in the future if more information is known.

Are you sad to see Lucky Hank cancelled? What did you think of the show? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

35 thoughts on “Has Lucky Hank been renewed for Season 2? Here’s what we know:”

  1. I want a second season because I have enjoyed Lucky Hank so much. I do not want Lily to divorce Hank. I want Julie to divorce her idiot husband. I am anxious to see what happens in Season 2.. Please renew!!!!

  2. We W W and I watched the series once and mulled over how we felt about this series. W W said ” let’s watch it again” this was our turning point. We caught all Bob’s or should I say Hank’s funny cracks which really light a fire under us and we binged watched it. Were hoping for more. PLEASE…

  3. I’m sure I’m not alone in initially finding little to admire about the writing and characterizations weaving thru this Bob O vehicle…I understand that it can be seen as an Office type sendup (indeed,some actors from that great series are borrowed)but the main characters are mostly obnoxious ( esp. the wife , daughter & academics)…however, upon rewatching a few episodes,it began to grow on me! The Odenkirkian charm began to win me over. I understand that Breaking Bad initially had a light reception,but soon found it’s footing. Let’s hope Lucky H is fortunate enough to be granted another season, & aside from the no-doubt Academic titterings can be broadened to more general approval of this glimpse into Bob’s New world.

  4. Clever writing, amazing cast and compelling plot twists. Lucky Hank is a refreshing, intelligent new series. I can’t wait to see next season.

  5. Hoping for a season 2 of Lucky Hank ASAP (pending end of writers strike). Depiction of academic politics is amusing, if not totally realistic. Would love to see greater use of Odenkirk’s acting and comedy range, as in Saul.

  6. Yes please. Bob is just genius. And Hank and Lilly! Well, I drool in anticipation. Season 2 is a must! PLEASE. Thankyou

  7. Bob Odenkirk needs a better vehicle to show his range. This is barely watchable, and I’m a terrific fan of his! He’s good, but the show – not so much. Diedrich Bader and he have great chemistry. Do something with them!

  8. Catherine Keener showing up in episode 8 locked the deal for Season 2.
    Watching reruns over and over.

  9. Bob-O hits another one out of the park!
    Great character development and dialogue. Someone needs to write a sad poem if Lucky Hank is not renewed for season 2.

  10. Yes, please bring 2 and 3. It’s such a good show. Most of the characters are interesting in their own, and makes you want to see more.

  11. Love this show for SO MANY reasons! Agree with Robyn re episode 8 scene in the cafe. Please continue with a season 2 – And if the truth be told as an ex English teacher in a Pennsylvania district- just love the English dept character development & interactions. Keep him at “ fictitious” Railton.

  12. Lucky Hank is brilliant and so is Bob Odenkirk, he’s my favorite. Hoping for a second season.

  13. Loved it and was disappointed to see there wasn’t a second season. Binged the episodes. Loved how the characters are being developed. I’m optimistically awaiting season #2!

  14. I was surprised it only had 8 episodes. Eagerly awaiting and hoping for another sesson.

  15. Yes! the show ended with a huge opening for a second season . My husband and I will certainly watch it!

  16. Yes! the show ended with a huge opening for a second season . My husband and I will certainly watch it!

    One of my favourite scenes in Episode 8 is when Lily is in the cafe-restaurant with a friend (who has gone to the restroom) and the neighboring table has a couple who are having an affair. Suddenly the woman’s husband arrives so the man from that table quickly moves to Lily’s table…a whole humorous dialogue proceeds between them as a cover-up for the affair as well as Lily directs her thoughts on divorcing Hank at this man, a stranger. This scene is so funny and clever!

  17. ‘Loved the show!!! Superb acting!! It should win awards. I sure hope there are more seasons!!

  18. Please….Season 2. We love Lucky Hank. Seldom do we pay for programs on services we’re not members of already but Lucky Hank was worth it.

  19. We love Lucky Hank. Seldom do we pay for programs on services we’re not members of already but Lucky Hank was worth it.

  20. I just finished watching, would like to see second season. A lot of unanswered questions that need to be continued.

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