Outer Range – Season 2 Episode 7 Recap, Review & Ending Explained

The End of Innocence

Episode 7 of Outer Range season 2 starts with Cecilia and Royal heading out together, intent on finding Rebecca and Amy. Royal is happy to be with her and the pair discuss the hole. It doesn’t make a lick of sense to him, and he doesn’t want to think of how many people have come through either. Whether this is Royal speaking or thoughts from our writing team that seem to be avoiding the big existential questions raised this season with time travel is anyone’s guess.

What happens to Wayne?

Elsewhere, Wayne rings Luke and warns that furious vengeance will be coming for his soul and poisonous heart. He’s standing over Billy’s corpse and he weeps for his youngest son. As far as he’s concerned, the family legacy has gone up in flames, so it’s perhaps fitting that he decides to burn the house down, deciding to be rid of everything.

The Tillerson legacy is ending – at least for these two – and Wayne removes his shirt, allowing the flames to consume him. Well, that is until he hears something outside that’s akin to a “calling” (a strange ringing noise) so he heads out and demands to know the truth.

He walks all the way to the hole on the West Pasture. He demands to know what his purpose is, and eventually decides to jump in.

What does Perry do in the past?

In the past, a Young Royal and Perry continue to talk, with Royal making a big decision… pushing Perry back into the hole. With his whereabouts unknown for now, it appears everyone is heading for the same destination, with a family reunion very much on the table.

Perry though, finds himself back on the ranch… but slightly in the past. In fact, the exact time happens to be the fight with Trevor. This time though, it’s not Trevor that dies but Perry himself. So what does this mean for causality? Well, this Perry is still here but the younger version is dead. How is this possible?

Well, the blood spatter appears to belong to Perry, not Trevor, and the belt buckle, with Perry’s blood on, now makes a bit more sense. However, surely this would disrupt the timeline right? Anyway, our Perry drives out to the West Pasture and decides to push the deceased Perry into the hole.

Does Autumn find Amy?

Elsewhere, Luke reveals the truth to Autumn in a roundabout way about what he’s done to Billy. He points out that he didn’t mean to but Autumn is quick to say that death isn’t finite and appears to hint that there’s a way to save people.

They do eventually make it to the Women’s Shelter though, where Amy meets Autumn. Luke is to wait outside, for obvious reasons. Autumn wants to convince Rebecca to let Amy go back, and see Rhett and the others at the Ranch. Autumn speaks to Rebecca and points out her connection to Amy, including the intimate details with the connection, and tells Rebecca that she knows she took Amy/Autumn out of spite, not love.

As a result of this, and the threat of exposing everything and shattering Amy’s perception of her. She goes to pack her things, but before she leaves, Autumn wipes Rebecca’s mouth with some of the mineral, and it absorbs into her skin, leaving her with frightening visions. With Amy now with Autumn and Luke, they drive off. 

What happens with Rhett and Nia?

Elsewhere, Royal and Ceci make it to Fourwing and learn that Amy has already gone. Rebecca is completely out of it and in a crazed state. She keeps mumbling that Amy is a gift for time. Ceci rings Autumn, and asks her to bring Amy back rather than throwing her into the hole. Royal does his best to try and threaten her but it doesn’t seem to work.

Royal phones Joy and asks for her help, needing her to go alone and stop the pair. She needs to do “whatever she can” to stop them. That’s probably just as well, given Joy is parked outside Shelton Cape, with murderous intentions.

Rhett meets with Nia, who hands over the bullet. The land isn’t part of the bail but he agrees to be a good son in exchange for a lot of money. He can’t promise anything but given what’s at play here, Nia agrees as she’s stuck in a corner. This actually works in their favour but while she works the system, so too does Maria. She begins to stash notes down her bra behind the counter, but it’s a risky game and she’s bound to get caught sooner or later.

What is Amy’s significance to the hole?

Joy shows up at the hole, shoots the tires on Luke’s car and stops them. Joy immediately knocks out Luke when he confronts her, and demands Autumn come out. She does so… but holds Amy at gunpoint. Autumn claims that there’s a pattern to everything and although Joy shoots Autumn in the chest to stop her, Amy falls into the hole… and then it closes up.

Autumn, as she passes out, claims that “many people will follow” as she’s taken by paramedics and into the hospital. Unfortunately, it’s too late and she’s declared dead… or is she? Somehow she comes back to life… as does Amy, who wakes up in the middle of the wilderness. Two hikers show up and they ask for her name. Amy can’t remember and ends up calling herself Autumn.

How does Outer Range season 2 end?

Royal ends up being rushed to hospital too, while in the past, Perry happens to be back at the ranch and he decides to read Amy a bedtime story when he gets back. Royal though, seems to sense something afoul in this time period, which appears to be different from the timeline we’ve become accustomed to.

Back in the hospital, Royal appears to be dreaming as he leaves the house and finds everyone outside waiting for him. “Time is a river Royal, this is your destiny,” Ceci tells him. As everyone else joins in, he suddenly awakens in hospital. He tells Ceci that everything’s going to be fine. However, in his vision before he woke up, Autumn approached, ominously telling him that “this is just the beginning”.

The Episode Review

So Outer Range ends on another cliffhanger but we seem to be moving into parallel universe territory here. Could it be that there are alternate versions of our characters, hence why we’re seeing similarities between Amy and Autumn? The whole Perry situation seems to hint toward this, especially as he pushes Perry, rather than Trevor, into the hole instead of Royal doing this and Autumn spotting him.

Those are just sporadic thoughts at this point but we do know there’s plenty of bits and pieces to iron out here. We have Wayne jumping into the hole into god knows what time period, Amy being spat out into a random time where she believes she’s Autumn, and all the drama in the present with the Tillerson ranch, how Joy ties into that, and her bad blood with the Shelton Cape family.

There’s plenty of scope for a third season but the pacing this year has been rather disappointing. After a 2 year wait we get a season that doesn’t really answer very much and feels more like a mystery box wrapped up in another mystery box.

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You can read our full review for Outer Range season 2 here!

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1 thought on “Outer Range – Season 2 Episode 7 Recap, Review & Ending Explained”

  1. My fear came true…it–just–ends—with no firm answer about a 3rd season.

    By the way, these are two feuding ranch families and not one head of cattle and no did a lick of work in two seasons? Uh, ok.

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