The Best Inspirational Speeches In Anime

The world of anime is expansive and offers many unique stories with compelling characters, engaging plots, and epic moments. While some anime come and go, many deliver unique and memorable experiences. Those types of anime typically contain well-written storylines and characters.

For our ongoing series of articles depicting the best anime, we’d like to highlight the best anime speeches of all time. From Erwin Smith’s motivational words to his soldiers to Gaara’s speech before the Fourth Shinobi World War, these are some of the best anime speeches we’ve heard in anime (so far). 

Feel free to leave your comments about our choices below. If we happened to miss one of your favorites, feel free to let us know. We’ll get them added when we find time. 

Erwin’s Smith Speech (Attack On Titan)

Erwin Smith’s “My Soldiers” Speech in Attack On Titan is one of anime’s finest speeches to date. During this segment, Erin rallies his troops, addresses his fears and doubts, and reminds them of the sacrifices they must make to protect humanity. His words capture Attack On Titan’s central theme of overcoming the odds. 

In his speech, he knows many people will lose their lives in this fight and is uncertain that they’ll prevail over their enemy. However, he emphasizes that their mission is a vital one, so for humanity’s sake, he wants his forces to embrace the horrific outcome that awaits them. Coupled with impeccable voice acting and great animation, this moment will go down as one of Attack On Titan’s finest yet. 

Koro-sensei’s Speech (Assassination Classroom)

Koro-sensei was an incredible mentor figure in the Assassination Classroom universe. Despite appearing as an otherworldly organism, he impacted his students’ lives for the better regardless of the horrific task placed on their shoulders. That said, Koro-sensei’s “Value of Losing” speech is an incredible speech and one that carries immense weight. 

He shares these words with one of his troublesome students, Karma. Within it, Koro-sensei highlights the significance of experiencing losses and how it holds more benefits than obtaining countless triumphs. Considering the type of character Karma was before hearing this speech, fans grew to appreciate the gradual growth he achieved after Koro-sensei shared these remarks about him. 

This not only shows Koro-sensei’s phenomenal abilities as a teacher but also shows how he’s more humane than most humans depicted in the series. 

Gaara’s Speech (Naruto Shippuden)

Reigen Arataka’s Speech (Mob Psycho 100)

Reigen Arataka might be a con man in Mob Psycho 100, but he knows how to hit enemies where it hurts. His “Grow Up” speech carries an important message that not only affects his enemy but will leave viewers pondering too. In this scene, he denounces the Claw’s 7th Division for their fantastical abilities and attire. 

He argues against their methods for establishing change and states they don’t need to rely on supernatural powers to achieve this goal. This event not only forces the men to surrender to him briefly but will entice audiences to carve better paths for themselves. 

Mutsumi Kobayashi’s Speech (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid)

Mutsumi Kobayashi is a character many fans can empathize with. She starts the series as a loner but runs into others who’ll make her life happier. After living a meaningful existence with Tooru and Kanna, Kobayashi shares a nice acceptance speech that reflects her growth. 

Moreover, she explains why it’s wonderful to understand each other’s differences and embrace those qualities. She believes doing so will help folks become a better version of themselves, which is evident throughout Kobayashi’s multiple encounters in the show. 

Vegeta’s Speech (Dragon Ball Z)

If you watched Dragon Ball Z, you know how arrogant Vegerta can be in the show. Nonetheless, the Saiyan Prince has had several inspirational moments in the series that’ll get anyone pumped and willing to listen to him. In Dragon Ball Z, Vegeta delivers a meaningful speech about fear and how everyone, formidable or cowardly, has experienced this sensation once in their life. 

However, he argues that people shouldn’t let fear control them, rather, they should focus on harboring courage to overcome those fears. While minor, this speech carries significant weight and will encourage viewers to tackle spooky tasks head-on, regardless of the outcome. Although the Saiyan Prince has experienced multiple losses during the show, it’s this thought that makes him someone worth admiring in this series. 

Simon’s Speech (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)

Simon’s “Dig to Heaven” speech is fabulous for multiple reasons. This speech occurred sometime after Simon lost someone close to him and he utters several words that get his allies to rally behind him. With unwavering determination, Simon speaks of defying fate and reaching unimaginable heights. His words encapsulate the anime’s theme of boundless ambition and humans’ unyielding spirit. 

Moreover, he reminds his allies they possess the power to reshape their destinies and challenge the forces who want to subdue them. Combined with stunning visuals and Simon’s powerful voice, this is one of the anime’s best moments by a landslide. 

Futaki Kanata’s Speech (Little Busters)

Little Busters isn’t the most well-known series compared to others on this list. Nonetheless, it offers an array of lovely characters, themes, and scenarios that tug at your heartstrings. One of these instances involves a character named Futaki Kanata and her speech about regret and moving forward in life. She shares this speech when helping a student overcome these scenarios in their life. 

Regret is something many folks endure in life. It can be as simple as abandoning a dream or committing an act you’re not proud of. Either way, this feeling is difficult to overcome and Kanata makes that clear with her speech here. Nevertheless, she makes it clear that taking risks has its pros and cons, but not pursuing something will only leave you with the latter. 

Akio Furukawa’s Speech (Clannad)

Akio Furukawa is a phenomenal father figure in Clannad. While he can be over-the-top and goofy, he demonstrates the loving qualities one would expect a father to have. That said Akio’s parent speech will affect everyone, regardless if they’re parents or not. This speech encapsulates the anime’s central themes of family, memories, and human nature.

Through his words, viewers will recall how much of an impact their parents had on their lives, whether positive or negative. This speech beautifully highlights the underappreciated sacrifices and unconditional love parents provide to their kids. This is not only touching, but it will inspire current and future parents to strive for better. 

Roy Mustang’s Speech (Fullmetal Alchemist)

Fullmetal Alchemist is one of the best shonen anime today. It’s hailed as a great series due to its well-written cast, phenomenal storytelling, and intriguing themes. Roy Mustang is among one of the cast’s best characters because of his admirable traits and inspiring moments. One such moment came in his speech about embracing the world for its imperfections and arguing why it makes it beautiful. 

This anime’s world is full of corrupt individuals and scenarios, much like the world we live in today. However, Roy’s statements about his view of this imperfect universe show audiences why it’s significant to forge your takes on matters and look at life’s positives. While a world can be awful, it can be just as bright. It’s Roy’s interesting viewpoint of his predicament that makes this segment an iconic one in the anime and one that will leave viewers contemplating. 

So, there we have it, our picks for the best inspirational speeches in anime!

What do you think of our picks? Do you agree? Are there any notable omissions? Let us know in the comments below!

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