A Man in Full – Episode 6 Recap, Review & Ending Explained

Episode 6

Episode 6 kicks off with Raymond having a dream about Charlie, hinting that Raymond might be losing the battle. Meanwhile, Charlie is busy memorizing the script given to him by Wes for the upcoming press conference. On the other hand, Roger is preparing for Conrad’s bail hearing.

What happens during the press conference? 

Charlie meets with Joyce once again and tries to persuade her to help him take down Norman Bagovitch. Charlie wants Joyce to go public and reveal that Bagovitch assaulted her 25 years ago. Since Joyce is a respected entrepreneur and the owner of a successful cosmetic company, she could make a big impact with her statement.

However, Joyce is hesitant and reluctant to do so. Martha pays Charlie another visit and pleads with him to not go through with the press conference, as it could ruin Joyce’s reputation. Martha warns Charlie that if he mentions Joyce’s name in the press conference, she will make sure to ruin him.

Wes Jordan kicks off the press conference with an inspiring speech, setting the stage for Charlie Croker. Charlie takes the microphone and reminisces about his college football days. Charlie also praises Wes Jordan for his leadership as mayor of Georgia.

Charlie is supposed to expose Norman Bagovitch as a predator who is unfit for the mayoral race, but he has a change of heart midway through his speech and omits this part. After the speech, Wes Jordan confronts Charlie, warning him that he will destroy him. Charlie, undeterred, declares that he is prepared for whatever lie ahead.

What happens to Conrad?

It’s the day of Conrad’s hearing, and Roger calls Officer Michael Smith to the stand, much to the judge’s displeasure. However, the judge is forced to allow it because Michael has been served a subpoena. Roger presents the bodycam footage from the day of Conrad’s arrest, clearly showing that Michael Smith initiated the altercation.

The footage also reveals that after Conrad was tased, a truck driver kicked him, with the police officers failing to intervene. Roger successfully convinces the judge that Conrad acted in self-defence when he punched the officer and had no intention to harm him.

With all the evidence and bodycam footage, the judge drops all charges against Conrad and dismisses the case.

What is Big Red Dog LLC?

Raymond gets a visit from Wiz, who breaks the news that Herb and Raymond Peepgrass are in cahoots as part of a shady-sounding “Big Red Dog LLC.” Their plan is to take over Charlie’s prized possession, the Concourse.

For those not in the know, the Concourse is Charlie’s golden goose, and he had to give 28 percent of it to his ex-wife in their divorce settlement. Another 28 percent went into a trust fund for Wally, with Martha as the trustee. Now, the Big Red Dog LLC is gunning to grab a majority stake in the Concourse, and Raymond is trying to work with Martha to get her to sign off on the deal.

Charlie pays Martha a surprise visit, only to catch Raymond in a compromising position with her. Furious, Charlie confronts Raymond about his despicable scheme, but Raymond’s confident smirk suggests Charlie’s too late to stop it. 

In a fit of rage, Charlie tries to intimidate Raymond, but his prosthetic hand malfunctions, causing him to accidentally start choking Raymond. The confrontation takes a tragic turn when Charlie suffers a heart attack and collapses, lifeless, on the floor.

The Episode Review

The verdict is still out on whether Charlie Croker came out on top or got the short end of the stick. Some say he’s the winner, while others argue he’s the loser in this game. Charlie made a promise to help Wes Jordan secure his re-election as Mayor, but he backed out at the last minute.

This move ticked off Wes, who vowed to destroy Charlie. However, Charlie’s kind words about Wes made him a favourite among the people, and early voting results indicated he was on track to win. So, in the end, Wes would have likely kept his end of the deal, and Charlie’s assets would have remained intact.

But since Charlie is now dead, there’s a chance Martha will still go through with the deal and sign the papers, giving Big Red Dog LLC a majority stake in the Concourse. So, depending on how you see it, Charlie could be seen as the winner or the loser in this game of deals and promises.

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