10 Games With the Most Detailed Lore and Backstories

When it comes to video games, rich lore can make all the difference between an empty, vapid world and one steeped in history. Forget fancy gameplay mechanics or mind-blowing graphics that can melt your video cards – it’s the story that steals the show. A rich and engaging lore can turn even an average game into a legend.

With that being said, here are 10 games (or game series) that have immortalized themselves in gaming history because of their epic lore.

The Elder Scrolls

Playing titles in The Elder Scrolls franchise, particularly Skyrim and Oblivion, is like stepping into a live, breathing universe; the mythology is so extensive and elaborate that it goes beyond just storytelling. The universe of Tamriel has a rich history, mythology, and hundreds of individual stories that make up its narrative. 

Anywhere you look in Tamriel, you’ll find a story, whether it’s about the machinations of the politics, adventures of the Thieves Guild, or the perplexing Dwemer remnants. In simple terms, it’s not just one story; it’s hundreds of stories teaming up to create unforgettable, rich lore in the game.

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The Halo Franchise 

The franchise kicks off when the UNSC vessel Pillar of Autumn finds a ringworld, Installation 04. Master Chief and artificial intelligence (AI) Cortana learn that the Covenant intends to unleash the ring’s destructive power, starting a never-ending war between the aliens and mankind. 

In the Halo franchise, the legendary Master Chief serves as a lot more than simply a character; he is an exemplar of courage and commitment. Swathed in the legendary green armor, his mission goes beyond the lines of battle.

Metal Gear Solid

In simple terms, Metal Gear Solid is a story of international power conflicts and political sway. The long-running franchise explores the murky arena of covert operations, where criminal organizations use governments and people as puppets.

We have The Patriots, Cipher, and an armada of other undercover groups playing the game of secrets and political chess that mirrors the happenings of the real world. Metal Gear Solid doesn’t just offer a rich and immersive universe; it gifts gamers an iconic character to idolize – none other than the legendary Solid Snake.

Assassin’s Creed 

At the core of the Assassin’s Creed is the Animus, a mechanism that lets its host revisit his/her Ancestral memories, letting them jump into various points in history from the French Revolution, Seven Years’ War, and the beheading of Louis XVI. 

Enthrallingly, the series chronicles the story of the Assassins and the Templars, two clandestine societies entwined in a feud that dates back eons. Open worlds are Assassin’s Creed games’ trademark. Carefully designed towns and environs provide more than just a backdrop; they rope gamers into a setting where they’re the boss. 

World of Warcraft

If anyone tells you that the World of Warcraft is just a game, they’re inviting the wrath of Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory. WOW isn’t just any game, but a whole living, breathing world known as Azeroth. The endless nations, varied scenery, and swarming civilizations of the game make for a world you never want to escape from.

No matter where you’re in Azeroth, from the verdant forests of Stranglethorn Vale to the frozen mountains of Dun Morogh, the feeling is of being in a place with endless possibilities. As for the story, it spans continents and eras, with the Alliance and Horde at odds, the Titans’ prehistoric powers, and a continual threat of grave enemies like the Burning Legion.

Nier: Automata

The events of Nier: Automata take place in a far-off future when robotic creatures from the outside world have overrun Humankind. Humanity responds by developing artificial fighters to take up arms in their place.

In this game, you’ll play as 2B, 9S, and A2, three androids who find themselves in a universe where humans and robots never see eye-to-eye. Nier: Automata will have you ponder weighty questions like life, the aftereffects of war, and artificial intelligence. 

If you’re looking for a video game that goes above and beyond and stays with you long after the final credits have rolled, then don’t miss out on Nier: Automata.

God of War 

This franchise isn’t just making Sony a boatload of money but is also ruling the gaming world, proudly wearing the crown as PlayStation’s biggest game ever. Santa Monica Studio’s God of War series chronicles the adventures of the legendary Spartan warrior Kratos as he squares off against gods, monsters, and otherworldly beings.

The franchise involves many instalments, drawing from both Norse and Greek Mythology. God of War is not just a game but an emotionally charged odyssey that’ll leave you in awe. The best thing about this franchise is we finally get to see Kratos grow from an enraged god into a loving parent.

Resident Evil 

The first chapter in the long-running videogame franchise introduces us to the Umbrella Corporation, a medical behemoth that conducts genetic experiments. T-virus, a type of biological weapon developed by Umbrella, passes through the metropolis by mistake, inviting an unfathomable scourge of mutated beasts and zombies that ravage the Raccoon City. 

This franchise is one of those rare series where every character, whether they’re a hero or a villain, is just likable. The resolute Chris Redfield and the cunning Jill Valentine—have their own well-written backstories and ambitions. 

Mass Effect

It won’t be an exaggeration to call The Mass Effect universe an exciting galaxy of its own. The expansive Citadel and undiscovered worlds, as well as the many species inside it (such as the reputable Asari, the military geniuses called the Turians, and the Reapers), make for an expansive and colorful galaxy in the franchise.

The series circles around Commander Shepard, who goes from a  rogue agent to the galaxy’s final stand against Reapers. What matters most in the trilogy is not rescuing the universe as a whole but rather the journey itself, the friendships made along the way, and what is left behind.


The heart of the game beats around Gordon Freeman, a scientist stationed at the Black Mesa Scientific Facility. The plot thickens when a research project Freeman has been working on goes horribly wrong, propelling Gordon into an alternate universe where supernatural happenings and aliens are commonplace. 

The game conveys its story via its surroundings rather than via spoken words or cutscenes. The melancholy, which is the trademark of the franchise, is amplified by the derelict laboratories and their aborted tests. They also serve as a story element, briefing us all about the awful things that happened there.

And there you have it, the 10 best games with the most detailed lore and backstories. Did your favorite make the cut? We want to hear from you! Drop your thoughts in the comments below.

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